Putting disability histories on the map.
Our approach is accessible, intersectional, and open-source, with the goal of REPAIR-ing disability history through a justice-oriented lens.
Featured Case Studies
Explore case studies focused on places where disabled individuals and communities have lived, worked, socialized, resisted, loved, and made history. You can also nominate a site of your own or learn how to create your own case study.
Guidance for interacting with the case studies: click on the image or orange title link to open the interactive StoryMaps case study in the same tab. Clicking on the Read More link will bring you to another page within the REPAIR website, then you can click the button to read the case study.
A revised version coming Fall 2023
Disability Justice and Cultural Heritage Course
A course syllabus by REPAIR, focused on the intersections of disability studies, architecture and design, and public history
Educational Materials
Case Study Process
Resources and instructions for following REPAIR’s process for building case studies
Case Study Toolkit
All the materials needed to make a case study, including guidebooks and templates
Public Presentations
Videos and presentation transcripts focused on REPAIR’s ethos and methods